Brand development and website design for Sunday Runday LA, a run club based in Downtown Los Angeles.
Sunday Runday — Brand Identity & Web Design
Adobe Photoshop
Brand identity
Logo design
Web design
November 2023
Sunday Runday LA is a community of runners that meet every Sunday morning to run together. Their mission is to build community and unite runners of all backgrounds in the heart of DTLA.
The Challenge
Create an iconic brand identity and a one-stop shop for current and prospective members to find information about the run club.
To define the look and feel of the brand, I interviewed the founder of the run club to better understand the mission and values of the run club. Then, I created several logo ideas and three concept proposals to present to my client and see which one best resonated with the club’s identity.
After presenting the three concepts to my client, we settled on a combination of the concepts for the final design.
Final Concept
I then developed a set of brand guidelines to assist my clients and other members on how to use the logo and colors to ensure accessibility and on-brand usage.
Brand Guidelines
After solidifying the brand, I created wireframes to map out the general layout of each key webpage.
For the final site design, I focused on clear information hierarchy and color accessibility. My client shared which questions prospective members typically have, which informed my decision process for what information to prioritize.